目前分類:Ambient_(科技產品 Electronic) (25)
- Jul 27 Wed 2011 09:55
[Ambient / Electronics] LG:( / Uzina, Lisbon, Portugal)
- Jul 27 Wed 2011 09:50
[Ambient / Electronics] HP:( / Publicis Malaysia)
- Jul 27 Wed 2011 09:43
[Ambient / Electronics] Apple:( / Net#Work BBDO, South Africa)
[Ambient / Electronics] Apple:
To promote the movie function of the iPod, cinemas were activated by miniaturizing the
movie going experience.
- Jul 27 Wed 2011 09:38
[ Ambient / Electronics] Apple:
[Ambient / Electronics] Apple:
Realsize plastic iPod nano cutouts were pasted on the walls of Tokyo subway.
You could pull them off and take home. Ont the back it had a promo coupon.
- Jul 27 Wed 2011 09:31
[ Ambient / Electronics] Apple: