目前分類:Toyota (豐田汽車) (20)

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[Print / Automotive] Toyota吃了它

(HILUX "Eat the road" / Leo Burnett Colombia)


Eat the road.




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[Print / Automotive] Toyota救護車

 (Ambulance / Toyota In-house, La Paz, Bolivia)

38.Red cross.png  

Main ambulance supplier on the major cities of Bolivia.





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[Print / Automotive] Toyota防彈

(Bullet Proof / Leo Burnett Colombia)

36. Bird shit.png 37.Tomato.png 

9 mm gunshot. Original factory bullet proof by Toyota




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[Print / Automotive] Toyota好好玩

(RAV 4 Play more / Dentsu, Beijing,China )

35.Rav4_Amusement park.png  

RAV 4 time, play more. Toyota




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[Print / Automotive] Toyota信任

(Hiace "Trust" / Saatchi & Saatchi, Paris, France)


You can always trust a company that relies on Toyota Hiace




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[Print / Automotive] Toyota檢查

(Toyota Occasions "Check" / Saatchi & Saatchi, France)


At Toyota Occasions, we check the cars we sell ourselves.





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[Print / Automotive] Toyota拖拖車

(Land Cruiser "Trailer" / DDB Worldwide, Bogota, Colombia)

32. Land Cruiser_Trailer.png  




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[Print / Automotive] Toyota0排碳

(zero emissions. / Dentsu, Brussels, Belgium)

31.Zero Emissions.png  

We are committed to preserving the delicate balance between man and nature. We've

come a long way since we launched our first hybrid car 10 years ago. But our goal goes

beyond reducing exhaust emissions. We apply innovative environmental solutions to

every aspect of the vehicle's life cycle; from design, manufacture and use, right through

recycling. It's the only way to reach our ultimate aim: zero emissions.




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[Print / Automotive] Toyota千言萬語

(Fortuner "words" / Grupo Alco, Santiago, Chile)


Wherever you say.




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[Print / Automotive] Toyota高品質專業維修

(Quality Service / Gmasco, Dubai, UAE)

28.Al-Futtaim Motors Toyota_Heart.png29.Al-Futtaim Motors Toyota_Spine.png 




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[Print / Automotive] Toyota最小影響

(Hybrid synergy drive / Miami Ad School, Miami Beach)


minimal impact on the environment. Hybrid synergy drive





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[Print / Automotive] Toyota食物鏈

(Land Cruiser "Food Chain" / Saatchi & Saatchi, Sydney, Australia)

22.Land Cruiser_Bear.png23.Land Cruiser_Crocodile.png24.Land Cruiser_Shark.png 

Land Cruiser   Be top of the food chain.   toyota.com.au





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[Print / Automotive] Toyota媽媽我愛你 

(Ibu I love you / Dentsu Indonesia, Jakarta)

21.PT Toyota Astra-Motor_Ibu I love you.png

I 'love' U 心形圖案也可讀為字母B,在印尼語中 IBU是媽媽的意思,這則廣告是為了





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[Print / Automotive] Toyota呼吸管

(Hilux " Snorkel" / Saatchi & Saatchi, London, UK)


Hilux. Unstoppable.




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[Print / Automotive] Toyota致命非原廠

(Fake parts can kill / Gmasco, Dubai, UAE)

14. Genuine Parts_Grenade.png15. Genuine Parts_Gun.png16.Genuine Parts_Noose.png   

Fake parts can kill. Say no to counterfeit. Insist on Toyota Genuine parts.





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[Print / Automotive] Toyota跟電視一樣清楚 "實境攝影機"

(Prius "Rear view camera" / Saatchi & Saatchi, Sydney)

10.Prius_Bike.png11. Prius_Truck.png12.Prius_Book.png

As seen on TV

Toyota Prius with rear view camera.




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[Print / Automotive] Toyota沒路走,找他 (4Runner )

7.4Runner_Deer.png8. Tundra_Moon.png 

The 2006 Toyota 4Runner. Go where roads don't.





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[Print / Automotive] Toyota後車箱

(Yaris "Trunk" / Saatchi & Saatchi, Toronto)

4.Yaris_Dogs.png5. Yaris_Bear.png6. Yaris_Bull.png 





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[Print / Automotive] Toyota無敵

(Hilux. Invincible / Saatchi & Saatchi, UK)

3.Hilux_Demolition ball.png

The new Hilux. Invincible.




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[Print / Automotive] Toyota原住民

(Land Cruiser "Aborigine" / Saatchi & Saatchi, Warsaw)

1.Land Cruiser headband.png2.Land Cruiser pen.png 

There are places reached only by a few





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