目前分類:Levi's (利惠) (10)

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[Print / Clothing] LevisCling Fits / JWT, Bangalore, India

23.Cling fits, 1.png24.Cling fits, 2.png



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[Print / Clothing] LevisIdul Fitri 1428 / OgilvyOne Indonesia

22.Idul Fitri 1428 (2007).png

udhu sebelum ibadah (wash yourself before you pray)

Dirikan sholat (pray to God)

Luruskan hati (keep your heart straight)

Puasa di bulan Ramadhan (fast during Ramadhan)

Zakat fitrah (give to the poor and needy)



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[Print / Clothing] LevisX (X-Ray / BBH, Singapore)

20.Copper Jeans_X-ray Male.png21.Copper Jeans_ X-ray Female.png



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[Print / Clothing] LevisSlim / Bartle Bogle Hegarty, USA


17.Slim_V8 engine.png

18.Slim_Gut a fish.png

19.Slim_Knuckleball grip.png



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[Print / Clothing] Levis女裝

(Girls Wear / King James, Cape Town, South Africa)

14.Girls Wear_Bouncer.png15.Girls Wear_fight.png



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[Print / Clothing] Levis

 Idul Fitri / OgilvyOne Worldwide, Indonesia

13. Idul Fitri.png

Together we welcome the day of victory.

Happy Idul Fitri 1427H.



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[Print / Clothing] LevisSuperpressed red loop / JWT, India

10.Superpressed Jeans Carbon copy.png11.Superpressed Jeans Carbon copy2.png12.Superpressed Jeans Carbon copy3.png



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[Print / Clothing] Levis永遠穿著 (ON 4 Life / OgilvyOne )



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[Print / Clothing] Levis光陰流逝

(As Days Go / BatesAsia, Malaysia)




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[Print / Clothing] Levis纖細 (Slim / JWT, Mumbai, India)




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