目前分類:Audi (奧迪) (21)

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[Print / Automotive] Audi做最慢(R8 "slowest" / BBH, UK)

39.R8_Humans are painfully slow.png40.R8_Mass production.png41. R8_Replace humans.png 

 The new Audi R8. The slowest car we've ever built.




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[Print / Automotive] Audi播放 (Play / DDB Milan, Italy)






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[Print / Automotive] Audi測速照相 (Speed ​​cameras / Grey, Israel)

37.RS4_Speed cam.png  

0 to 60 mph in 4.7 seconds – Audi RS4




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[Print / Automotive] Audi頭燈 (Light / DDB, Milano, Italy)


New Audi S8. 450 hp, from 0 to 100 in 5,1 seconds.




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[Print / Automotive] Audi過濾 (Filter / Ogilvy, South Africa)


Dust and pollen filters, standard on all our cars.




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[Print / Automotive] AudiA4 Sport / DDB, Milan, Italy

32.A4 Sport_Start block.png  

A bit more sporty than an A4.




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[Print / Automotive] Audi看見 (See / DraftFCB, Germany)

29.AG_Pars Pro Toto, Turbo.png30.AG_Pars Pro Toto, V10.png31.AG_Pars Pro Toto, Differential.png 

Now you can see how we think.




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[Print / Automotive] Audi (Far Away / DDB, Milan, Italy)


You'll never be too far away.




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[Print / Automotive] Audi地圖(Map/Grey Worldwide, Dubai, UAE)

24.TT_Map, 1.png25.TT_Map, 2.png26.TT_Map, 3.png 

The new Audi TT coupe.




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[Print / Automotive] Audi (Snow / DDB, Milan, Italy)

21.Lunapark, 2.png22. Lunapark, 1.png  

Enjoy the snow.




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[Print / Automotive] Audi顛倒 (Reverse / DDB, Milan, Italy)


Just do a turn to discover its double nature.

 The new Audi A8 allroad.




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[Print / Automotive] Audi眼鏡 (Glass / Ogilvy, South Africa)

19.Pre-owned_Magnifying glass.png  




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[Print / Automotive] AudiQ7 / Kempertrautmann, Germany


We invented quattro for more performance.




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[Print / Automotive] Audi純電力 (Pure Energy/DDB, Milan, Italy)

14.TT_Power line.png15.TT_Power socket.png 

The new Audi TT. Pure energy.




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[Print / Automotive] Audi地圖 (Q7 Map / Sepia, Chile)

11.Q7_Map, 1.png12.Q7_Map, 2.png13.Q7_Map, 3.png 

Audi Q7 with GPS. The route is marked.




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[Print / Automotive] Audi海報 (Poster / Grey, Dubai, UAE)






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[Print / Automotive] Audi金色調

(Gold Palette / M&C Saatchi, Sydney, Australia)

9.Gold palette.png  





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[Print / Automotive] Audi二手車 (Used Cars / DDB, Italy)

7.First Choice Plus_Hair.png8.First Choice Plus_Paper.png 

We have to leave some proof to convince you it's used.





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[Print / Automotive] Audi加速 (Acceleration / Sepia)

4.RS 4_Speed.png  

Audi RS 4. From 0 to 100kms/hr. in 4.9 seconds.




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[Print / Automotive] Audi (Leopard / India Today)

3. Leopard.png  





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